Tips To Order Healthy Options At Breakfast Restaurants

Tips To Order Healthy Options At Breakfast Restaurants

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Ordering healthy options at breakfast restaurants can be a challenge, especially when faced with tempting menu items that are high in calories, sugar, or unhealthy fats. However, with mindful choices and awareness of nutritious alternatives, you can enjoy a satisfying and nutritious breakfast. Below are some tips to help you make healthier choices at a breakfast restaurant Dubai:

Choose whole grain:

Opt for whole grain options such as whole wheat toast, oatmeal, or whole grain pancakes/waffles instead of refined grains. Whole grains provide fiber, which helps you feel full longer and supports digestive health.

Include protein:

Incorporate protein-rich foods into your breakfast to keep you energized throughout the morning. Choose eggs (boiled, poached, or scrambled with minimal oil), Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, or lean meats like turkey or chicken sausage.

Load up on fruits and vegetables:

Look for breakfast options that include fruits and vegetables. Fresh fruit salad, smoothies with added spinach or kale, or omelets with vegetables (such as spinach, bell peppers, and tomatoes) are excellent choices. These options provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Watch portion sizes:

Be mindful of portion sizes, as restaurant servings can often be larger than necessary. Consider sharing a meal with a friend or opting for smaller portions if available. Alternatively, ask for a take-out container upfront and save half for later.

Avoid sugary drinks:

Steer clear of sugary beverages such as fruit juices, sweetened coffee drinks, or sodas. Instead, choose water, herbal tea, or black coffee (with minimal added sugar or cream) to accompany your meal. Also, check ingredient lists and ask about preparation methods to avoid dishes that are high in added sugars, unhealthy fats (like trans fats or saturated fats), or excessive salt. Choose dishes that are baked, grilled, or steamed rather than fried.

Customize your order:

Don’t hesitate to customize your order to fit your preferences and dietary needs. Ask for substitutions or modifications to reduce calorie-dense ingredients (such as butter, cheese, or sauces) and increase nutrient-dense options.

Read menu descriptions carefully:

Take the time to read menu descriptions carefully to understand how dishes are prepared and what ingredients are included. Look for keywords like “grilled,” “steamed,” “baked,” “fresh,” or “light” which often indicate healthier options.